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Trees are good for us, and provide a wide range of environmental, social, and economic benefits to society. However, not everyone knows about the profession which is responsible for these amenity trees: Arboriculture.

Arboricultural professionals work with amenity trees – those found in private gardens, public parks and open spaces, schools, churchyards, playgrounds, and urban woodlands.

Amenity trees do many different things at once, including cleaning the air, reducing temperatures, alleviating the effects and environmental impact of climate change, capturing carbon, and improving our physical health and mental well-being to name just a few.

Trees, and arboriculture, make our communities healthier, happier, and stronger.


If you are an arborist your focus is making sure the trees and landscape you work with are safe and secure. With the correct, reliable equipment from Turner Grounds care we can help to ensure a productive and safe working environment.